Wednesday 24 August 2011

Fear of Tigers - I Can Make The Pain Disappear

It had to happen sooner or later. If you were ever to ask me who my favourite artist was, there'd probably be a very long, dramatic pause before I would say "Fear of Tigers". There are dozens upon dozens of artists that I adore the music of but his music is just on another level.

Japanese-born British producer Benjamin Berry has been making music for years (or rather, a fleeting glance at his MySpace page would have you believe so) and yet bizzarely he has never made it to the big time, especially considering his remix repetoire includes The Sound of Arrows, Kylie Minogue and Ellie Goulding. Nevertheless, Berry appears to have the elusive formula for the perfect euphoric electro trip etched into the back of his skull, and "I Can Make The Pain Dissapear" is no less brilliant than the rest of the tracks on his album, "Cossus Snufsigalonica" (which, by the way, he offers as a free download on his Facebook page. Give the guy a medal for that).

Give this song a go and hopefully you'll enjoy it, but personally I would geniunely recommend downloading his whole album. From start to finish it oozes with euphoria and joy, and gives the impression of being on an intergalactic space voyage through time and pleasure. Maybe I overstate it a tad, but if you're into your electro music and you haven't got any Fear of Tigers in your life, then you need to. This instant.

1 comment:

  1. Got to know him through your real obsession about this wonderful artist! This song is really magical, and it does make you wanna listen more from his repertoire!
